La Inmaculada Hospital in Huércal Overa puts into service an MRI scanner

La Inmaculada Hospital in Huércal Overa puts into service an MRI scanner

The delegate of the Andalusian government visited the facilities, which began operating on 1 September.

The delegate of the Andalusian Regional Government in Almeria, Maribel Sánchez Torregrosa, accompanied by the territorial delegate for Health and Families, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, and the mayor of Huércal Overa, Domingo Fernández, has highlighted «the boost given by the Andalusian Government to health infrastructures in Huércal Overa». Torregrosa, who was also accompanied by the management of the Northern Health Management Area of Almeria, checked the commissioning of the magnetic resonance equipment at the La Inmaculada Hospital, which began operating on 1 September.

The Regional Ministry of Health and F

amilies has invested 1.3 million euros in this new equipment which «for the first time», as the delegate stated, «performs MRI scans in the hospital itself without the need for patients and users to travel». By way of example, she detailed that in 2019, 8,453 MRI tests were outsourced in the North Health Management Area of Almeria, a figure that shows the need for the commissioning of this equipment in the Hospital La Inmaculada.


In this regard, Torregrosa explained that «with this equipment, the Andalusian Regional Government has not only reinforced a major improvement in this reference hospital in the Levante region, but we are also meeting a historical demand that this Andalusian Government has made a reality». The delegate said that «in the 22 years of the hospital’s existence, this is the first time it has had this resonance equipment, which improves the quality of care for patients, especially those who are hospitalised and who will no longer have to travel».

Torregrosa detailed other new improvements at the hospital, such as the incorporation of a second CAT scanner, the new portable ultrasound scanners, the high-resolution echocardiography and the monitoring on the ward, which did not exist before. In total, said the delegate, «we estimate that the Andalusian Government’s investment in these two years and eight months amounts to nearly 3 million euros in equipment and renewal of technological equipment. To this figure must be added the works carried out in the AGSNA primary care centres in different municipalities such as El Contador, María and Bacares, plus the works carried out in La Inmaculada in the emergency, rehabilitation and paediatric areas, among others, together with the improvements in molecular biology for tests in the laboratory area, which add up to 1.5 million euros».

The regional delegate for Health and Families emphasised that «the work carried out at La Inmaculada Hospital represents a turning point for the Northern Health Area of Almeria, which has resulted in a 17 percent reduction in the surgical waiting list».

The mayor of Huércal Overa, Domingo Fernández, pointed out that «the implementation of the MRI equipment is a great step forward for the region because it will also result in better patient care, avoiding the need to travel to carry out this type of test». Fernández also assured that «we have to be grateful for the improvements that are taking place in the AGNSA as a result of the Government’s sensitivity to Almería and specifically to this region».

To conclude, the managing director of the Northern Health Area, José Miguel Medina, assured that «the new equipment, such as the MRI already in service, with which the hospital is being equipped aims to improve care for our users, which was a necessity and priority for the management team, as well as to maintain and increase the number of professionals in this area».

Covid-19 situation

Juan de la Cruz Belmonte also took stock of the Covid-19 situation in the province. To date, the delegate stated that the curve of this fifth wave «follows a downward trend in the number of contacts, although we continue to monitor the pressure on hospitals, which is still high, so we continue to ask for responsibility from society as a whole to ensure that the incidence continues to fall».


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