Those born in 2008/09 receive the second dose of Moderna in Olula del Río.
This Monday morning, 564 children born between 2008 and 2009, have been summoned to the Multipurpose Building in Olula del Río, to receive the second dose of the Moderna vaccine.
Those cited, residents of the health management areas of Albox, Mármol and Serón, are responding to the call to be attended by the eight health workers present at the vaccination point, as has been verified in situ, La Comarca Noticias.
However, a call is again being made to all those who have not been vaccinated for various reasons, to contact their health centre to take part in the repopulation so that as many people as possible can be vaccinated.
Without any incident this morning in the operation coordinated by the health authorities, with the collaboration of the Olula del Río Town Council and the Olula Local Police.