The Regional Ministry of Education and Sport is expanding its range of educational programmes for the 2021/22 academic year with a commitment to digitalisation, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, innovation and teacher training. Among the main new features, the Minister highlighted the commitment to the curricular inclusion of the programmes, which will allow them to be worked on in a cross-cutting manner, and the commitment to improving educational quality. During the last academic year, almost 6,000 schools, 153,366 teachers and 1,830,479 students took part in these programmes. Over the last two academic years, the Regional Ministry of Education and Sport has emphasised the need to promote innovation in the Andalusian education system in order to guarantee inclusive and equitable quality education that guarantees equal opportunities.
To this end, the development of the 1st Strategic Plan for Educational Innovation has been promoted and both the Programmes for Educational Innovation and the Andalusian Network of School Libraries have been strengthened to become motors of innovation in schools. This plan serves to link, promote and enhance all the actions in the line of innovation that are currently being developed in Andalusia, as well as to encourage schools and teachers with new responses to early school leaving, the lack of motivation of students and teachers or the needs of today’s society. The educational programmes serve to promote innovation, research and the dissemination of good teaching practices through strategies, tools and resources that favour the development of students’ basic skills, the exchange of experiences, teamwork, the creation of professional networks, project work, as well as the development of innovative methodologies that promote educational change. The call for educational innovation programmes provides an orderly and coherent response to the needs of schools and is structured around 5 areas for the 2021/22 school year.
The cultural area includes the programmes Vivir y Sentir el Patrimonio, Aula de Cine and aulaDjaque. The call for Educational Innovation Programmes is open to publicly funded schools in Andalusia, and can be registered through the Seneca Management System from 1 to 30 September 2021. Among the main novelties, digital competences are intensified with the consolidation of Moodle Programmes, the incorporation of new digital competence development projects such as Digicraft in your school, which has been launched for the first time in Andalusia during the 2020/2021 academic year in one hundred educational centres, in collaboration with the Vodafone Foundation. This year, the programmes have a greater curricular inclusion, which allows the curriculum to be approached in a more innovative way.
In Teacher Training, the offer of online courses and the offer of International Congresses on Educational Chess, Innovation, Educational Entrepreneurship, the Environment and Flamenco will be increased throughout the academic year 2021/2022.