Hospital surgeons perform first operation to remove patient’s tumour
‘Virgen de la Arrixaca’ Hospital in Murcia has carried out its first robotic surgery operation this Monday thanks to the acquisition of a Da Vinci robot, one of four that the Murcia Health Service (SMS) has acquired for hospitals in Murcia.
The first Da Vinci operation took place on 8 October at the Reina Sofia Hospital in Murcia, where a prostate tumour was removed from a urological patient, as was done today at the Arrixaca.
On this occasion the surgeon who performed the operation was Dr Antonio Prieto, who was supervised by Mikel Gamarra from the Hospital de Bilbao.
The Da Vinci system has four arms through which the surgeon performs the operation in a minimally invasive way. The operation is performed through small incisions through which the camera and surgical instruments are introduced, so this type of robotic surgery combines the advantages of open and laparoscopic surgery.
The SMS has acquired four Da Vinci robots for hospitals in Murcia. The equipment has already been installed in the Arrixaca and Reina Sofia hospitals, while those that will go to the Santa Lucia de Cartagena and Morales Meseguer hospitals are still awaiting delivery.