Hospital La Inmaculada de Huércal Overa has been hosting the exhibition of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) entitled: «50 years: changing the history of cancer», which can be visited in the main hall of the hospital until the end of this month, coinciding with the commemoration of World Breast Cancer Day.
The exhibition consists of different panels explaining the historical evolution of cancer treatment research and how the AECC has contributed to its development over the last fifty years. The president of the association in Almeria, Magdalena Cantero, highlighted the itinerant nature of the exhibition, which will be on display in other hospitals in the province, and the importance of the research carried out by the association.
The inauguration of the exhibition was attended by the Director of Nursing of the Northern Health Management Area of Almeria (AGSNA), Catiana Soriano and other members of the management; the Councillor for Health of the City Council of Huércal-Overa, Mª del Mar Meca, as well as representatives of other associations related to the support of breast cancer patients such as COALMAMA of Huércal-Overa and associations of other groups.
The hospital also held the AECC conference «Saca Pecho Contra el Cáncer de Mama», which was presented by Magdalena Cantero; Catiana Soriano; Mª del Mar Meca and Dr. Diego Ramírez Soler, a surgeon and expert in senology, a reference in the province for this disease.
The speakers at the conference, who dealt with topics such as emotional support and the resources offered by the association for those affected, were the psycho-oncologist of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, Ana María García Cuesta, and the coordinator of the association’s prevention and health promotion programmes.
Breast cancer occurs mainly in women, the risk of suffering from it increases with age and with risk factors such as obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, substance abuse or smoking. One in ten women will suffer from this disease, which involves not only medical treatment, but also psychological, social and economic support.