The Andalusian Regional Government reaffirms its rejection of male violence on 25N this year

The headquarters of the Andalusian Government, the setting for the reading of the Manifesto on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The delegate of the Government of Andalusia in Almeria, Maribel Sánchez Torregrosa, attended the reading of the Manifesto that took place in the orange tree courtyard of the Delegation of the Government of Andalusia in Almeria, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated today 25 November.

The manifesto was read by the Delegate for Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, Rafael Pasamontes, and the Programme Advisor of the Andalusian Institute for Women (IAM), María Montagut. They reaffirmed the Andalusian Government’s rejection of the violence suffered by women and condemned all sexist murders, as well as all types of physical, psychological, sexual and economic aggression suffered by women at all levels. After the manifesto, a minute’s silence was observed for all the victims of violence against women in Almeria.

Sánchez Torregrosa stressed that «the Andalusian Government has guaranteed, consolidated and strengthened all the resources and essential services for dealing with gender violence through the IAM, with a real budget increase in recent years. In this sense, the delegate affirmed «the absolute commitment of the Junta de Andalucía in the fight against gender violence and the work carried out to eradicate gender violence as a scourge of this society».

In addition, during the event a balance of the services provided in Almeria has been made, highlighting that during the first nine months of the year a total of 10,623 women have been attended, which is 10% more than in September 2020, when 9,652 were assisted. Every day an average of 39 women are assisted in the Provincial Women’s Centres, the Municipal Women’s Information Centres and the telephone number 900 200 999.

On the occasion of 25N, the campaign promoted by the Regional Ministry of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, through the Andalusian Women’s Institute, 25N, has been developed, which this year has the slogan ‘Don’t let them fall into their trap’. This campaign, which is promoted by the Regional Ministry of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, through the IAM, calls on the close environment of the victims of gender violence as agents of change, detection and first door of escape, support and protection for women who are living a situation of abuse and violence.

The event, held at the Andalusian Government headquarters, was attended by the territorial delegates Vicente García Egea, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, Aránzazu Martín, José Luis Delgado, Rafael Pasamontes, Raquel Espín and Antonio Jiménez, together with the IAM and IAJ programme advisors, María Montagut and Rosa Maldonado, the senator Luis Rogelio Rodríguez Comendador, as well as representatives of women’s associations such as Almur and Momentos de Sabila.


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