Partido Popular (PP) has elected a new executive in Macael. Guillermo Casquet has been re-elected president of the PP in this municipality in an act that has gathered more than 200 neighbours and that has counted with the participation of the President of the PP of Almería, Javier A. García, the Mayor of Macael, Raúl Martínez, and the president of NNGG Macael, Francisco Cruz.
Javier A. García highlighted the strength of the PP of Macael and its union: «The PP is not a sum of personal interests, it is a means to change and improve the lives of the people. The more strength the PP has, the better and bigger the municipality will be. To be a good member of the Partido Popular, you have to put general interests before personal interests», he added.
Similarly, the provincial president of the PP has highlighted the value of Guillermo and Raúl: «We learn from them every day, because their success is their work in favour of their neighbours. If election after election the PP wins, it is because your project represents the Macaeleros, identifies them and supports them».
For his part, Guillermo Casquet made a phrase of Díaz Ayuso his own and expanded on it: «You get out of socialism, but not only do you get out of it, but without it you achieve progress. For this reason, in our town we have the support of people of different ideologies, because they know that we govern for everyone. Macael is all of us and united we are the best», he assured.
Likewise, the re-elected president thanked the unanimous support of the militancy and assured that he will work together with Raúl to «make Macael and the PP bigger» and will continue to «unite Macael society» because «the sum of all makes Macael». «We will reward your support with effort, dedication and work».
Raúl Martínez assured that «Macael will work tirelessly so that Juanma Moreno becomes president of the Junta de Andalucía again and can continue to unblock projects that have been paralysed for decades by the PSOE».
He also took stock of his ten years at the head of Macael and explained his way of working: «We have worked our hearts out to improve our town. If our town improves, so do we. The only thing we want from the PP is to leave our children and yours the best town possible».
Francisco Cruz highlighted the enthusiasm that the PP transmits to young people through New Generations and the important initiatives that the Town Council is promoting for the young people of the municipality. He also thanked NNGG Almería for the support they receive in all their activities and proposals.
The new members of the Board of Directors have been renewed and people of different ages have been added, forming an executive that is a true reflection of the Macaelera society.