The Ministry of Health and Families of the Andalusian Regional Government, through the Directorate General of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Management, has produced a guide with a series of guidelines and recommendations for Public Health against Covid-19 for the Christmas holidays. The guide stresses the importance of compliance with preventive measures by all citizens, recalling that having a negative antigen test should not make us relax these measures.
In this sense, the recommendations related to the 6 M’s should be maintained at all times: correct use of the mask, which is mandatory by law 2/2021 in all areas, even outdoors when a safety distance of more than 1.5 metres cannot be guaranteed; frequent hand hygiene; metres or maintaining physical distance; maximising ventilation; minimising the number of contacts; and staying at home if we have symptoms that may be compatible with Covid-19, if we must isolate ourselves due to a confirmed diagnosis or if we are in close contact with a confirmed case.
With regard to the celebration of public shows and Christmas recreational activities on public roads and in the public domain, the Directorate General of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Regulation insists on the mandatory use of masks in all mass events, even if they are held outdoors, which are organised outdoors or in unenclosed spaces whenever possible.
When organising an event, it is recommended that a risk assessment be carried out and that risk reduction measures be adopted, such as staggered and differentiated access for exits and entrances; measures to maintain the interpersonal safety distance, facilitate the organisation and arrangement of the public, preferably seated, or to delimit areas where activities are carried out without masks.
In addition, it is recommended to choose wide public roads for street rides or parades, thus avoiding greater crowding of the public; to lengthen the route if necessary so that the public also has more space available; or to maintain the interpersonal safety distance to the participants of the floats and of the ride or parade.
For social celebrations such as lunches and dinners for companies, clubs, brotherhoods, friends, etc., it is recommended to choose an open space such as terraces or pavilions; preferably opt for lunches rather than dinners to make it easier to choose an open space; reduce the activity to the act of eating; limit the number of attendees; and opt for the use of several tables spaced far apart.
For family meals in a domestic or private setting, it is recommended to limit the number of family members to one or two, if possible; to adjust the number of people to the space available so that a certain distance and adequate ventilation can be maintained; or to arrange the diners by family nucleus.
In addition to the established rules, Salud y Familias reminds that for hotels and restaurants it is necessary to provide a Covid Certificate or proof of access as a user to the interior space of the establishments; keep the establishment adequately ventilated, for which it is recommended to consult the ‘Guide to good practices for the ventilation of interior spaces in hotels and leisure establishments’; whenever possible, give preference to reservations at tables on terraces or tables; or keep tables with adequate separation and always within the authorised capacity; keep interior tables with a maximum of ten diners.
Finally, for nightlife and cotillions, it is also necessary to provide a Covid certificate or proof of access as a user to the interior space of the establishments; keep the establishment adequately ventilated; check the mechanical ventilation system to ensure an adequate flow of air renewal; adjust its capacity to the dimensions of the premises, to allow adequate ventilation; the dancing activity, in the space where it is permitted, must be carried out with a mask; or have rules to avoid crowds in the access to the establishment and access to the toilets.