This Monday morning a meeting was held with the participation of the Councillor for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development, Carmen Crespo, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Sergio Arjona, the Delegate of Agriculture Aránzazu Martín Moya, the President of the Association of Municipalities Antonio Ramón Salas and the President of the Waste Consortium Almanzora Levante Vélez, Antonio Martínez Pascual.
It was a working meeting in which it was announced that the contract for the drafting of the Almanzora Valley High Water Supply Project had been awarded to the company UTE AQUATEC PROYECTOS PARA EL SECTOR DEL AGUA S.A.U -AIMA INGINERIA S.L.P. for 360,070.09 euros and a completion period of 16 months.
In this way, following the announcements made by the Regional Minister herself in July 2020 in the municipality of Suflí, the water problem in the Almanzora region is beginning to be definitively resolved, which will bring with it an investment of 25 million euros.
This initial solution has been described as «a dream» by the president of the Mancomunidad, who understands that «no one will come to settle in our municipalities or invest in any type of industry if there is no water. To talk about water is to talk about the future,» said Salas, who stressed that «in 25 years this is the first time we have been listened to. The government of change has responded to our request and to a basic need for the people of the region».
In the same vein, the head of Agriculture Carmen Crespo, thanked «the work being done by the Association of Municipalities for the development and survival of the people of the region of Almanzora».
Salas said that in the near future there will be working meetings with those in charge of carrying out the project to later make a public presentation with the lines of action that will be carried out.