The secretary general of the PSOE of Andalusia, Juan Espadas, has presented the political project for Andalusia «based on harmony, on respect as opposed to tension; on progress, being able to generate wealth and employment with social justice and historical memory as opposed to the regression and involution of the extreme right, and a project that represents the Andalusia we want, that leads the fair recovery in Spain and Europe, complying with the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. Less rallies and more dialogue, more work, let’s listen to each other to propose the Andalusia we want».
Espadas was accompanied by the President of the Spanish Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, at the presentation ceremony as a candidate for the Presidency of the Andalusian Regional Government, which took place at the Palacio de Congresos in Granada. During his speech, the socialist leader stressed that he assumes «with honour the responsibility» and encouraged all socialists «to take to the streets, participation and mobilisation are not achieved by talking politics among ourselves, but by taking to the streets, listening to criticism and making proposals. We are going to make it possible and together», especially bearing in mind that «people need to believe and trust. The future of the PSOE does not depend on our victory, but on the opportunities and expectations of Andalusian society as a whole. At this moment we are more necessary than ever, for progress in the face of social and economic regression and involution. We are essential to stop this and to carry out a project of progress that is socially just, ecological and with equality».
In the upcoming elections, Espadas has indicated that Andalusians will be able to compare the disastrous management of the right-wing government of Moreno Bonilla with the support of the ultra-right and the progressive government of Pedro Sánchez. Moreno Bonilla’s government has meant «a change for the worse, a step backwards in health, employment, opportunities for young people, dependency and real equality. A loss of democratic quality, of transparency in public management, and an Andalusian government that has only advanced in confrontation and propaganda». In contrast, the social democratic recipes of the Spanish government entail «the strengthening of the welfare state, leaders and examples in vaccination and an important political agenda of recovery and transformation of the country». «It is time to mark the differences between the progressive project and the toxic alliance of the right,» he said.
The Socialist leader has focused his political project on five axes: «Progress, fair and based on Andalusian talent, our raw material as an economic and creative and economic engine». Secondly, «that develops all the possibilities of our territory from diversity». A project, thirdly, that «is committed to modernising Andalusia by applying innovation and technology, making us leaders in job creation in the sectors of the future». Fourthly, «social cohesion, being able to think small and large, in large urban areas and small municipalities so that progress is fair». And finally, that «we invest more and better in education, in labour market insertion and in public services closer to home», with «young people as protagonists, ecological transformation, sustainability and green industry, keeping the population linked to traditional activities in the territory, which make people live where they want to live».
Juan Espadas stressed the need and urgency of «a recovery that puts public health where it belongs, beyond the Covid situation. Public health is not about elections, but about resources and capacity», which is why Espadas stressed that «we must have the capacity to face what is coming», on the basis that «the first and foremost priority is for health professionals to be the protagonists of the system, those who help us to make decisions, to commit to its development, with stability and equal pay»,
The Secretary General of the Andalusian Socialists has also pledged to make progress in territorial rebalancing, institutionalising the relationship with mayors and provincial councils. «I am committed loud and clear to a second decentralisation, to review competences and resources to support those who can do it best with the Andalusian people, the local councils», as well as to carry out a programme that guarantees the first job opportunity for young people.
President Sánchez, for his part, stressed that the candidacy of Juan Espadas is the «change that Andalusia wants and needs, an Andalusian and progressive option, with a discourse that represents good politics». The Socialist leader expressed his conviction that Spain needs «strong and competent regional governments» because they manage health, education and housing policies that affect the day-to-day lives of citizens, and for this reason «Andalusia will not be satisfied with what it has».