The Guardia Civil de Almería, in a recent action, located and assisted a 47 year old male cyclist in the area known as Pico Colativí in the municipality of Nijar, who was lost, dehydrated, dizzy and with very low vital signs.
At 14.30 hours on the 06th, the 062 Communications Centre (C.O.C) of the Guardia Civil Command in Almeria was informed by 112 that a person, who had left his home in Pechina at 06.00 hours to go on a bicycle route, was lost and found without drink, dizzy and soaked due to the high humidity in the area and intense fog.
The Central C.O.C of the Guardia Civil organises a search plan with the available patrols on duty, informing the agents of the last location provided by the cyclist, 15 km from Huebro and 20 Tabernas, next to the Colativí Peak, also informing the agents that this person is dehydrated and has been without drink for more than four hours.
As quickly as possible, the patrols on duty sectored the search, having to do it on foot because of the difficulty of the terrain, given that it is a mountainous and steep area with countless slopes, adding to this difficulty the high humidity and poor visibility due to heavy fog.
The search was successful when, at around 16.20 hours, the Guardia Civil officers located the cyclist, disoriented, soaked, dehydrated, dizzy, with very low vital signs and on the verge of collapse due to lack of drink. He was attended to on the spot and later transferred to an official vehicle to be evacuated to the nearest medical centre.
Finally, as a result of this action, the Guardia Civil de Almería successfully located and rescued a 47-year-old male cyclist from the town of Pechina, who was lost in the Pico Colativí area of Nijar.