The Monte Carmelo de Purchena Women’s Association is leading an Andalusian project in Almeria that involves digital literacy with a gender perspective in order to bridge the digital divide with the priority objective of enabling women to be an active and priority part of the new socio-economic society after COVID-19 and also to reduce the gap between rural and urban populations. The project that has started in Almeria has also been carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Federation of Women of Almanzora Femaxi, of which the women’s association Monte Carmelo de Purchena is a founder.
The aim of this training is to:
1. Create and edit digital content in different formats from a gender perspective.
2. Use digital media as a vehicle for expression and feminist demands.
3. Interact with administrations through digital technology.
4. Share data, information and digital content through appropriate means.
5. Create and manage different digital identities.
6. Protecting devices and personal privacy in digital environments.
The main innovative aspect of this project is the work and training methodology proposed for the project. Working on the gender digital divide online with women with little or no experience in the use of computers. They will be led by specialised teaching staff, applying m-learning practices as an innovative educational modality, which facilitates the construction of knowledge in an autonomous and ubiquitous way thanks to the mediation of portable mobile devices.
The project consists of a training package consisting of 24 hours of group training and 5 hours of individual training, and will be replicated in each of the provinces, resulting in a total of 87 hours of training. A final virtual and interprovincial meeting will be held for evaluation, reflection and exchange of experiences.