On 1 March in Almeria, the deadline for the submission of applications for admission to the 317 publicly-funded schools for Pre-school Education (second cycle), Primary Education, Special Education, Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate begins and will remain open throughout the month of March.
All children entering the education system for the first time, both in public and state-subsidised schools, as well as pupils changing schools, are taking part in the enrolment process.
The Regional Ministry of Education and Sport has made 1,453,092 public (81.80%) and subsidised (18.20%) places available for the next academic year 2022/23, 12,085 more than in the previous academic year. For 3-year-old students, who are entering the education system for the first time, 89,125 new places are offered, of which 80.4% correspond to public schools and 19.5% to subsidised schools.
In Almeria, a total of 136,075 public (92.4%) and subsidised (7.6%) places are available for this type of education, 3,325 more than in the previous academic year. Our future 3-year-old pupils, who are joining the education system for the first time, will have 8,875 new places, 91.8% of which correspond to public schools and 8.2% to subsidised schools.
Admission criteria
As for the admission criteria applied when there are not enough places in the schools or institutes to meet all the applications, there is nothing new with respect to last year’s school year. Fourteen points will be awarded for the existence of siblings in the centre and for proximity to the family home. Points will also be awarded if the pupil to be enrolled is a multiple birth, which will be given one point, and the criteria for having a son or daughter enrolled in the first cycle of Pre-school with the aim of encouraging schooling at this stage; legal guardians with paid work or professional activity; the academic record of the pupil for admission to Bachillerato; the annual per capita income of the family unit and disability or developmental disorder will continue to be maintained. The same assumptions and points for belonging to a large family, single-parent family or family with two sons or daughters also continue.
In the cases of priority in admission, there are still those of the legal representative(s) of the pupil who have their usual place of work in the centre where they are applying for admission; basic performance athletes so that they can study in a centre close to the place where they train and develop their sporting career, for being a relative up to the second degree of consanguinity of a victim of terrorism and also for children in foster care.
With regard to complementary services, the morning class service will be offered in 5 more centres and 1 centre is authorised to offer the school canteen service.
The school enrolment procedure begins with the publication by the educational centres of the list of vacant school places, as well as information on the cadastral addresses within their areas of influence and neighbouring areas. When the supply of places coincides with or is greater than the demand, applicants will be admitted and in those cases in which not all requests can be met, they will be ranked.
Each school will publish on its notice board, until 18 April, the list of applicants with the assigned score and, from that date, a period of 10 school days will be opened for the presentation of allegations. If, after the application of the ranking criteria (siblings in the centre, family or work address, annual income, disability, large or single-parent family or family with two children, legal guardians with paid employment, enrolment in the first cycle of Infant Education and Baccalaureate academic record) there are ties, the result of the public draw to be held on 16 May, once the application admission process is closed, will be applied. The definitive list of admitted and non-admitted students will be published on 17th May.
Through the Schooling Portal, on the website of the Regional Ministry of Education and Sport, families will have access to information on schools, courses and complementary services on offer, as well as the regulations and the application form, which can be submitted online or at the schools and institutes themselves. In addition, the iEscolariza APP application allows for consultation of centres and scale points by address. Through this device, families will receive free notifications of both the procedure and their application.
Likewise, the Regional Ministry has set up a free information telephone number (900 848 000), open 24 hours a day from 8.00 to 19.00 hours.