The Murcia Regional Ministry of Health allows visits to patients admitted to hospitals in Murcia from Tuesday

The Regional Minister Juan José Pedreño assures that «we have beaten the sixth wave» of the pandemic in the Region of Murcia.

Two years have passed since the first case of covid-19 in the Region of Murcia on Tuesday 8 March, just when it has been confirmed, in the words of the Regional Minister of Health, Juan José Pedreño, that «we have beaten the sixth wave» of the pandemic.

And it has been, as he said after Monday’s meeting of the Monitoring Committee, «thanks to everyone’s efforts, research and vaccines». The decrease means that as of Tuesday the restriction on visits to patients admitted to Murcian hospitals will be relaxed, which will be two per patient during normal opening hours. Likewise, one companion per patient will be allowed in the rooms as long as they do not have symptoms and have not been in close contact with a covid positive patient.

Juan José Pedreño pointed out that the average incidence rate has fallen by another 30% in the last week compared to the previous week, to 561 cases per 100,000 inhabitants at 14 days.

According to the data provided by the Minister, 71 positive cases of coronavirus were recorded in the Region of Murcia on Sunday, and two deaths, two men aged 87 and 88. The pressure on hospitals has decreased, with 194 people being admitted, 30 of them in ICUs.

The vaccination rate reaches more than 1,250,000 people: 94% of the target population. Among children there has been a stagnation.


This week, on Thursday to be precise, the Interterritorial Health Council will hold an extraordinary meeting, where issues such as a new framework for controlling the pandemic, the so-called «influenzaisation», on which the public health committees are already working, will be raised.

As far as indoor masks are concerned, the minister insists that whatever is decided must be technically endorsed and homogeneous throughout the country.

The future needs of the health system will also be discussed. Pedreño says that the supply of MIR places must be modified, and that the criteria must be made more flexible in order to be able to cover the needs of professionals. Family doctors, anaesthetists and radiologists are currently the most difficult specialities to replace.


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