The Provincial Council has held the second plenary session of the year with important agreements in which consensus has reigned to continue promoting investment, as well as employment, wealth and equal opportunities in the province of Almeria. Specifically, the deputies have given the green light to investments worth 4 million euros to carry out new Provincial Plan works, as well as improvements to the Water Networks in 19 municipalities.
Water Infrastructure Plan 2021 – 2023
It is worth highlighting the approval of the projects and municipalities that will benefit from the Provincial Council’s Water Infrastructure Plan for Urban Use (PIHU 2021-2023), which will improve the water networks of 19 municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants. The three million euros of the PlHU 2021-23 is in addition to the almost 30 million euros of investments made by the Diputación de Almería since 2018 in water infrastructure. An investment that reflects the commitment of the Government team and the Corporation to a basic and elementary service for the growth and development of municipalities such as water.
The Water Infrastructure Plan 2021-2023 was born with the objectives of guaranteeing the supply of quality water to the people of Almeria; boosting the efficiency of the supply networks by reducing leaks and possible breakdowns; as well as the expansion and modernisation of the province’s sewerage systems.
This package, financed 100% with the Diputación’s own funds, includes works to guarantee water supply, new wells and boreholes, as well as work on drainage and the collection of urban waste water. The municipalities that will benefit from this Plan are:
PATERNA DEL RÍO: Adaptation of the Paterna DWTP to regulations.
LUBRÍN: Remote control and remote infrastructure management system.
SENÉS: Installation of the Los Prados borehole and solar field.
SENÉS: Remote control and automation of infrastructures
ALCOLEA: Drinking water treatment plant in Bda. de Lucainena
LUBRÍN: Installation of Palomares borehole and piping to reservoir
SANTA CRUZ DE MARCHENA: Drinking water purification and decalcification of drinking water
BAYARQUE: Supply reservoir and complementary work
URRÁCAL: New water supply reservoir
SENÉS: New water supply tank
TAHAL: Reinstallation of boreholes at Bco. Berro and the swimming pool.
SORBAS: Piping between the reservoirs of La Mela, El Puntal and El Fonte
CANJÁYAR: Installation of the Las Aneillas borehole
ORIA: Automatic chlorinators and improvement of adductions (solar pl.)
ORIA: Installation of sulphate reduction plant.
TERQUE: Drinking water treatment plant
CASTRO DE FILABRES: Renovation of hydraulic infrastructures
ALSODUX: Water pipeline and reservoir
LAROYA: Renovation of the filling pipe of the reservoir
BENIZALÓN: Improvement of supply network
SANTA FÉ DE MONDÚJAR: Renovation of water supply and drainage infrastructures
BERJA: Water supply tank
More Provincial Plan investments
On the other hand, the Plenary has unanimously approved the second list of actions to be carried out in the municipalities through the Provincial Plans 2020 – 2023. These include actions in Alcolea, Urrácal, Huércal-Overa, Suflí, Alhabia and Lúcar worth more than 1.1 million euros in sports and cultural facilities, as well as the paving of the accesses to several towns and villages and the supply of domestic water. The beneficiary municipalities are:
ALCOLEA: Water supply / 105,600€.
URRÁCAL: Access road to the hermitage, the threshing floor and the cemetery / 170,000€.
HUÉRCAL-OVERA: Urban developments in the municipality / 404.000€.
SUFLÍ: Oil Interpretation Centre / 200.000€.
ALHABIA: Improvements to the municipal swimming pool / 195.000€.
LÚCAR: Construction of a paddle tennis court / 86.000€.
Following the approval of this latest list of Provincial Plan works at today’s Plenary Session, the Provincial Council has processed more than 30 million euros in investment to improve services and infrastructure throughout the province in the current four-year period, meeting the objectives set by the government team, as well as having a high rate of execution of these works.
The vice-president and deputy for Development, Water and the Environment, Ángel Escobar, has stated that the Almería Provincial Council is meeting the demands of the province’s residents. «We are concerned about one of the biggest problems we will have in the future. With this plan, we are improving and strengthening the water networks in many towns. Therefore, we will continue to work so that the smaller municipalities, especially those in the interior, can continue to generate opportunities with the aim of avoiding depopulation and that people continue to find reasons to undertake in our villages».