From this Monday until April 4 you can request a place for the next course in schools in the region.
Parents will have to go by appointment to the center chosen as first choice to deliver the application there.
The information about the previous appointment will be available on the web page of each school. The admission process has already started with the celebration of the public draw of the surname letters for tie-breakers, which have been TE.
The Regional Ministry has enabled several communication channels for families to receive the results of the scale and awarding processes: the portal of the Regional Ministry (Educarm), SMS and email, as well as through the requested centers themselves.
Likewise, the Regional Ministry is working on students coming from Ukraine, who will be able to apply for a place in the ordinary schooling phase without the need to submit any documentation other than their personal identification.
The number of places for the school year is 17,470 for 3-year old students; 22,630 in the first year of ESO, where 130 more places will be offered than the previous year; and 12,250 places for the first year of Bachillerato. The total number of schools participating in the admission process, both public and subsidized, will be 631.
The forecast is that around 50,000 applications for school places will be registered, of which 14,000 will correspond to the first year of Pre-school.