The heavy rains in the Almanzora region in recent days have caused numerous incidents in the municipalities of the area. Roads and streets cut off. Suspension of sporting activities «as a precaution» as in the town of Oria, or work against the clock to restore the electricity system in Macael, have caused the difficulties have been adding up on cold days.
In Arboleas, the force of the Almanzora river has cut the water supply pipe for the hamlet of La Cinta and El Rincón. Given the impossibility of repairing the pipe breakdown until the volume of water goes down, the company Galasa has arranged for two tankers to supply the residents of La Cinta and El Rincón.
Municipalities such as Lúcar have been forced to close arteries such as Calle Cuevas to traffic due to the collapse of the carriageway.
In Macael there has been a large landslide on the Sierra road and in the Avenida Paco Cosentino which on Friday caused inconveniences at the entrance to the municipality.
In Olula del Río the rains caused power cuts, flooding on roads and highways, potholes and landslides in the picnic area, cutting off the access road.