4,474 people have registered in Almeria for the selective procedure for access to the Teacher Corps, which will begin in the second half of June and which will apply the current model.
Of all these people, 1,121 have registered to take part in the competitive examination for Infant Education; 466 for Foreign Language, English and 108 for French. For Physical Education, 718 people have registered; 150 for Music, 529 for Therapeutic Pedagogy, 144 for Hearing and Language and 1,238 for Primary Education.
The Regional Ministry of Education and Sport of the Andalusian Regional Government has called for 2,538 places, of which 612 correspond to Primary Education, 203 to Hearing and Language, 404 to Therapeutic Pedagogy, 104 to Music, 354 to Physical Education, 54 to Foreign Language – French, 407 to Foreign Language – English and 400 to Early Childhood Education.
At Andalusian level, 36,990 applications were received. This number is the highest in the last decade and is more than double that of the last competitive examinations for this body managed by the previous government, which were 14,476 in 2017.
The Regional Ministry has recalled that the maximum number of vacancies possible have been called, and for this reason the publication of the Decree of the Public Employment Offer of this year 2022 was brought forward to February and thus add to this call its replacement rate. This decision was taken after the 2,600 vacancies planned by the Regional Government of Andalusia were blocked as a result of the regulatory vacuum caused by the Spanish Government’s publication of Law 20/2021 and its failure to implement the corresponding Royal Decree.
Current model
The competitive examinations for access to the Corps of Teachers will be governed by the current model, i.e. after the presentation ceremony, scheduled for 18 June, the first eliminatory test will be held, consisting of two parts, which will be assessed jointly: a practical part to check the candidate’s scientific training and mastery of technical skills, and another theoretical part consisting of the written development of a topic chosen by the candidate, from those proposed at random by the selection board.
When the results of this eliminatory test are made public, the successful candidates will have until 7 p.m. on that day to present their teaching programme, and from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. the following day, from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.. On subsequent days, they will have to take the second exercise of the competitive examination.
The second test, which will focus on pedagogical aptitude and the use of teaching techniques, will consist of the presentation and defence of the teaching programme and the preparation and oral presentation of a unit.
In the general and disability reserve shifts, the competitive examination phase will account for two thirds of the final grade. In the competitive phase, the merits of the candidates in terms of their academic training and previous teaching experience will be assessed, which will have a value of one third.