The Regional Ministry of Environment will not place this year anti jellyfish nets in the Mar Menor. The City Council of Cartagena had asked the Autonomous Community to delay the installation of the anti jellyfish nets in order to avoid a blockage of the algae in suspension and to facilitate their collection on the beaches. The City Council of Los Alcázares had expressed the same opinion.
The members of the Scientific Committee do not consider that a proliferation of jellyfish is foreseeable in the short or medium term, but they warn about the barrier effect that the nets can have.
These structures would accumulate algae that could not be collected before decomposing and, at the same time, would block the movement of the sea in the bathing area.
The Councillor for the Environment, Antonio Luengo, has responded to the request of the town councils, and will only install the anchors and beacons, but not the nets.