In a recent investigation carried out by agents of the Almeria Civil Guard Command, a person was arrested for a robbery with force (20,000 euros) committed in the home of a relative in the municipality of Berja (Almeria).
This action is part of the ongoing work of the Guardia Civil in the province of Almeria for the resolution and prevention of crimes against property.
The action began when the Guardia Civil agents were informed through a complaint that one or more persons had committed a robbery inside a house in the municipality of Berja (Almeria). The complainant reports that he has been robbed of 20,000 euros that he kept inside his home, and also informs the agents that the perpetrator/s entered his home when there was no one inside and that they entered without forcing any door.
The agents in charge of the investigation carried out the corresponding ocular inspection of the place, interviewed possible witnesses and gathered all the information available through the use of different technological means, which resulted in the identification of the vehicle used.
Once the owner of the vehicle was located and through the different statements, the Guardia Civil determined the modus operandi, and carried out a detailed reconstruction of the events that allowed them to identify a relative of the victim as the perpetrator.
As a result of this investigation, the Guardia Civil of Almeria arrested a person (the victim’s family) as the perpetrator of the robbery inside a house in the Almeria municipality of Berja and recovered 19,850 of the 20,000 euros stolen.
The proceedings, together with the detainee, are handed over to the Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción Nº2 de Berja (Almería).