As the president of the PP, Javier Aureliano García, himself acknowledged, in four years they have gone from 432 councillors to 515 in the elections held this Sunday, their highest figure in history.
They have won absolute majorities in the capital, Mojácar, Huércal-Overa, Vera, Sorbas, Alhama, Antas, Huércal de Almería, Zurgena, Pulpí, Laujar, Macael, Vélez-Blanco, Vélez-Rubio, Tíjola and Purchena, among many others, as well as in their main stronghold which is the Poniente with resounding victories in Adra, El Ejido, Dalías, Roquetas, Berja and Balanegra. They also have a chance of winning important municipalities such as Albox, where they are only 70 votes short of an absolute majority.
The PP has won more than 138,000 votes compared to 114,000 in 2019, from 38% to 48% of the Almeria electorate.
The PSOE, for its part, consolidated the town councils of Vícar, Tabernas, Bédar, Cantoria, Lubrín, Gérgal, Pechina, Viator and Cuevas del Almanzora, as well as becoming strong in the region of Nacimiento, where it won seven mayoralties, including Fiñana, Abla and Abrucena.
The socialists lost almost 19,000 votes and six points of electoral support with 28.6% of voters. The socialists have 388 councillors compared to 438 in the municipal elections four years ago.
Vox has also experienced strong growth, with more than 26,509 and from 22 to 33 councillors, consolidating its position as the third political force in the province with 9% of the electorate, although it has lost ground in the west of the province, where it is no longer vital to form a government.