The facts date back to last May, when agents of the Local Police of Zurgena were requested by the owners of an establishment in the municipality, specifically a pharmacy.
The owners of the pharmacy informed the police of a robbery that had taken place in their premises, so the municipal officers went to the establishment and proceeded to carry out an inspection to occupy the premises and gather information using the surveillance cameras installed inside the shop. Similarly, the uniformed officers analysed the images from the video surveillance cameras installed in the street, thus being able to link the information collected, and thus be able to visualise and locate the vehicle involved and its occupants involved in the robbery.
On the other hand, that same night, the thieves also robbed two other pharmacies in neighbouring towns, returning to their centre of operations after having obtained loot from at least three robberies in the same night.
The investigation and information gathered by the agents of the Local Police of Zurgena led them to collaborate with the Judicial Police Unit of the Civil Guard of Albacete by means of the referral of the investigation proceedings. In this way, days later, they were able to proceed to the arrest of three subjects as alleged perpetrators of crimes of robbery with force in numerous pharmacies, located in the province of Albacete, municipalities of Murcia and Levante Almeriense.
The subjects used force to gain access to the inside of the shops, exclusively in pharmacies in the areas of Albacete, Murcia and Levante Almeriense.
In this way, the local police of Zurgena, continues to meet the objective of working for public safety in the face of the action of unscrupulous individuals who act in the area.