Investigation into the theft of money boxes in the churches of Macael and Albox

the thieves broke into the money boxes and took the donations.

Once the corresponding complaints had been lodged, the Guardia Civil is investigating the thefts of the collections in the parishes of Santa Maria de Albox and Santa Maria del Rosario de Macael.

It happened last week when those responsible for the aforementioned churches noticed that the money boxes where the faithful deposit their donations had been broken into.

It is impossible to know the amount of money stolen, but the greatest indignation is due to the audacity of the thieves who, in one of their attempts to take the money of the faithful, even tried to take the collection of Albox in the middle of the celebration of the mass.

According to initial indications and information provided by neighbours linked to both churches, one of the lines of investigation focuses on a couple who have been seen in both localities, people who do not normally attend parish celebrations.

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